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Hello author, how long until the next update for this game?

i don't remember if the game contained animations

Some characters has NSFW animations.

okay but do you mean all NSFW scenes are animations or did you mean it is a tie between GC and animations? 

I just don't want to go in with the wrong idea and judge it unfairly.

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Only a few characters have animations, normally Main Quest characters (five) have, but there may be some exceptios.

The majority of the art isn't animated. I can't give you an exact ratio since the game is still in development, but you can probably expect about 5-10% of the NSFW art being animated once the version 1.0 is released

hhmmm okay, I try to build my opinion and keep an eye from it for now, I think there was a demo somewhere. Well most likely here.

Is Blackjack a monkey boss or not? And I don't understand how to defeat him, please help me.

A monkey boss? What you mean?

It depends what version of him you are fighting, lvl5 or lvl15?

And what Avatar/Class are you playing with?

Each Avatar has a skill that allows the player to defend against his biggest attack.

Sorry, I didn't notice how the translator wrote "monkey", but what I meant was that I definitely need to fight him, level 15.

With the level 15 version 

With an assimilating avatar

The best tip I can give you without spoiling too much is to look at your Skills, there is some that are very helpful in that battle. It depends in which part are you having problems. If you want me to be more specific and tell more specific tips, then please ask in the Spoiler topic here:

Got it, thanks a lot.

Is there an update posted on steam in the same way as on patreon, or earlier on patreon?

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I dont understand your question. You mean if the Steam and Patreon are the same version?
I don't have a Patreon but the Subscribestar version doesnt have a different version. Steam one is the last version available, same for Itchio

Got it, thanks. I'm sorry for asking an incomprehensible question.


Hey about localisation stuff
there is site that help indy games wit community transaltions

I'll take a look, thanks!

I just started playing this game today and have been enjoying it so far, but after reaching the first checkpoint in the damp cave and saving my game it immediately gave me a "game over" screen and kicked me to the title screen, and if I try to load the save data it just shows me the game over screen again and takes me back to the title screen. Is there any reason this happened or any known way to prevent it?

Can you give me more info about it?
What avatar/class you picked? Did you get defeated in battle when that happened? Are you playing the Demo or the Paid version?

Sure! I'm playing the paid version and using the seducer class. I believe before I saved, the player character was at zero HP but Nii still had some health

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I'll take a look, but is posible that the character will keep triggering a game over, you don't have a backup save? Is important to keep multiple saves when playing the Seducer, as mentioned when selecting it, it's still under testing and you may encounter bugs.
Normally when dying in combat, as long one character survives the others will be revived with little hp, however, maybe something broke and the seducer class didnt got revived, so when Nii left, the player is left alone with 0 hp and causing a game over. 

I have planned a patch with multiple fixes but it will take a while to prepare (and fix this too in the process), so if you have a backup save it may be faster to just load one rather than waiting for the patch.

will we ever get a android version


I havent tested in android but I'm planning to do it at some point.

i bought the game a year ago or so and now it says "all 4 classes", however after the update i finally at least get to choose from 2???

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Where doesit says all 4 classes? Maybe you are confusing it with personality trait skills from one of the classes.

Made a full playthrough, here is what i can say about the game: 

- The art is really good

- Quests are mostly fun + need more stable(but not abusable) ways to make money

- Seducer is basically: Hippity hoppity, your entire team is now my property.(It would be cool, if other monsters could attack the charmed ones.)

- Kinda need the ability to run anywhere.

- The game is mostly stable - (I ran only into 1 softlock).

Overall 9/10 - it's a really great game.


(Holy hell, it was hard to beat Blackjack)

got back into the game to play the new class. I want to unlock the beach but it seems I may have glanced over the details as I thought the librarian was going to play text I've already seen. just a guide will help me right now. but in future updates, why not try to add a replay text function.

Some cutscenes would be a bit difficult to a dd a replay button, however, whenever there is important stuff that you shouldnt miss, it will be added either in your quest menu or in your key items. In this case the librarian gives you a info item about the island, check up your key items.

Trying to unlock it now, but I'm having trouble. Found the info you were talking about but it feels too vague on how to unlock it. The description is good to have as background details. But with it being the only detail to, I ended up getting lost and circling each of the areas trying to find a hidden detail that'd lead me to the mystery island.

The mystery island is meant to be a secret area. If you wish to know how I can tell you if you wish, or give you a hint. It is not necessary to progress in the game though.

I think I'll take the hint option. mainly to compare it with the hint that's already in game.

You dont need to enter anywhere to unlock it, all you need is the map screen.

Seducer feedback

  • from my expirence i guess that class can get one star of dificulty - it was easier to defeat the core as that class
  • i also make that seduced enemies deal half of damage that they deal now

I see, thanks for the feedback. Only the Goonnies at the begining does less damage to themselves to allow the player to get them, but maybe I should put that on every monster. I guess it turned out to be a lot of damage.

true if there was only one then eneymy self-delete them selfs

我在 Steam 上买了它。为什么有些地方会显示 VVIP?我需要什么样的会员资格?

I translated your comment with google.

WIP means Work In Progress, is content that is not ready yet, the game is still under development, I'll keep patching and updating the game constantly.


Hello there. Really nice game. I've got two questions though:
1: I buyed the bundle here on itchi. I would also like to buy it on steam, but germany regulations make this impossible. No chance to get a key i guess?
2: Where the hell is this lost book, i am already at the Mountain Pass and still couldnt find it. The Clue looks like the caves, but man, i just cannot possibly find it xD

1.- Yes I can sell you a key but I need you to contact me in other places where I can send a private message.
You can check here:
You can send me an note over Furaffinity, inkbunny or Twitter.
2.- If you already cleared Mountain Pass then you already should be able to locate it. If you want a specific answer please ask in the Spoiler topic.

One question, is the game completely emulable in joy play, right?

Not sure  what you mean, I dont know what is "joy play".

i love the art style, bought it immediately

What is the WIP acess? Are peopel dowloading from substar do'nt get it?

Not sure what you mean. The game isnt downloaded from Subscribestar.

I dowloaded the game from here and A lot of stuff are blocked by WIP sign. ... Work In Prorgess, so I assummed that to acess this unfinished content you had to be a tester and paid a special tier on substar or something...
Also aside from new extra training, I don't see the new content. I can't finish the quest I started at the library, I can't get new levels I am still stuck at 10 because I don't get to fight new monsters and the secret boss.. Well I either die or disapoint her just like in previous update.

She isnt a secret boss.  You need to "defeat" her to progress in the story.

All I can say without spoiling is keep an eye on your"Status icon" during battle and change the way you act accordingly. If you wish to know directly how to defeat her. Please ask in the Spoiler topic:

i love this game there also some pose that are locked is it like avalable in the full version or is it in developpement ?

Some pose? What do you mean?

This game is great but I have to know is it possible to max out niis affection..

Not right now, there is part of her quest that is unfinished.

Ah okay. It was driving me crazy thinking I messed up by one thing.

if it's doable in the current version I wouldn't mind a guide on the fox lady boss fight.

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If you want specifics please check on the spoiler post, I added some tips there at the bottom for now:

How do I play the version 0.7? Do I need to download it again or does it update by itself?

I think you can update it automatically if you have Itchio app (haven't confirmed)

If that fails, you can simply redownload it, and move the save folder from your old save to the new one. Have a Save folder backup at all times.

Alright, thank you.

Deleted 312 days ago
Deleted 312 days ago

Ask me ingame. I'll be able to hint you toward the right direction.

I'm sorry, I finished the game and I understood what you said
Thank you for answering

When do you think the game will be updated on Steam?

I'm eagerly awaiting it.


The game patch is nearly done and it's under testing, I won't say a date but I'll say it will be released in the following weeks. I just need to make sure there is no bugs or at least the minimum.

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this game is so cuutteee i love it do you possibly have a support page

I do have a Subscribestar where people can donate:
Sorry for the late reply.

Just got done playing the demo.  I think I got everything in it, but even if I didn't, I plan on buying the game when I have the money.  The gameplay is really reminiscent of old games, and the art is great.  I got to ask though, do you have any plans to get voice actors?

Thank you for playing! The paid version has a lot of changes and upgrades, I hope you enjoy it more. Unfortunately I dont think I can add voice actors though.

Hello, I decided to play this game on a whim and I really like the direction you went with, It was enjoyable and the scenes were well done,  Keep it up!

Thank you!

are there animated scenes in the demo so I can get an idea about the whole quality?

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Yeah there is, the demo is starting to be very outdated but it should help you get the general idea. So if you buy the early access expects several changes.

Thank you, well please tell me what you can or want, even if it is stated in the store page, I might get a better feel for it. Okay now back to trying out stuff, I overloaded myself a bit.

Tell you what I can or want? What you mean?

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When would the new update happen ?


Is still on the works, I've been very busy and that kind of delays the update. I'm close to finish the update but I rather not give a date.


could someone help me find if there is anything to do? I'll wite down where I'm with progress if there is anything more to do please tell.
Stripe. just gave her the special flower for 1000g.
Nii. finished the cave.
Beta. got the quest but didn't find the book anywhere.


Side Beta quest isn't active yet. The game isn't too clear with what is available and what isn't. Once I patch the game again I'll put a clear indicator to reduce the confusion.

Do you already have a date planned for the release of the update?

I can't really say a date, however, Im trying my best to have it ready in october or november, still some delays may happen. I'm adding more content than planned to make the update more meaningful.

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I really appreciate your hard work, thanks for the reply :)

When will the Chinese version be available

I'm focusing on completing the game first before reviewing any translations.

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Yeay update <: 

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Im just wondering are you going able to put this game on android or Linux if possible? Just curious.


For now I'm focusing in finishing the game on Windows. I'll then check if I'm able to port them to other platforms.

Deleted 86 days ago

I'll probably wait until I patch the second content. I'll divide the big patch in 2 parts.

The first patch contains game mechanic updates and some content
The second will contain art and more quests.

I'm trying to patch the first one before 7th August.

Deleted 86 days ago

I'm at 13% and need help getting to 14%

Try clearing Sis's Dojo tutorials and getting to the "Mysterious Island".

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Sorry about that

Please do not post spoilers here, after you read this please edit it so others dont spoil themselves by accident.

You may check this post and see what are you missing:

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I had this older gameplay that I wanted to share. I might create one for the newer version if time permits. By the way, I absolutely love the game.

P.S. I previously posted this from another YouTube account. I didn't realize that until after posting this one, but I'll leave it up here regardless, just in case.

Got a question, I bought game in Steam (already played it one's) and the main thing is, is it still updated, I've seen the last update was 10 April like 2 mounth ago, is it still doing? (sorry for my bad English)

The game is still under development. I'm still working  on the next Update. Both Steam and Itchio gets updated at the same time.

this new update is already on steam?

No, I'm still working on the new update.


Hi, I would like to know when there will be a new announcement?)


I'm still working on the update, I can't really say right now when will be done though.

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