Kickstarter LAUNCHED

Thanks for supporting the project regardless of what platform you use!

If you want to do it over Kickstarter, you can do it here:

Get Delve Into Pawssion

Buy Now$14.99 USD or more


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Unfortunately I don't have a credit card, only paypal. Is there another way to support you via paypal? (with possibly the rewards ^^")


Yes we can try a workaround via paypal or ko-fi, but have in mind that there is one problem doing that method.

Donating through Kickstarter will prevent you being  charged if the campaign fails.

If we use a workaround and try ko-fi or paypal directly, I wont be able to refund it if the campaing fails, since there is fees and paypal makes it difficult.

This is only if the campaign fails, which I hope it doesn't XD

So I'm almost done with the demo (I think) just got to where you have to fight 2 level 10 plants (they are very strong)

So far I find the project mega ^^

Can I then pls ask for the paypal address ^^"

To avoid making the address public, please send me a private message in any of the other profiles: FA, IB or Kickstarter. Sorry if it causes inconvenience. And Im glad you liked it!