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(1 edit) (-2)

I checked my paypal Ipayed 20 buck the 3 september and it say buy now.O.K I ask to verifyed I payed but I can't access page 54.

Page 54 isnt finished yet.

Deleted 76 days ago

Please do not post links of shady sites here.
Unfortunately I can't do much to stop leaks, either they will ignore me or they will just share it  somewhere else.



For you.

(1 edit) (+1)

Huh? Please do not post spam here.

I would be able to contact you via discord if Side B did not decided to be such a amssive dick for no reasons.

SS refusing my card and IB admins... well you get it.

It is just that you mentionned having trouble manual posting.

waiting for page 53. I know another artist who had a limitted amount of subscriber and so use itchio for other that want early access, one artst in the same istuation thanyou and that is it. ALl teh other use Ko-Fi discord combinaison patreon and prime leap combinaison or patreon and discord combinaisons, where it is the applications that automaticly post it.

(1 edit)

I have a new card I tried paying on SS but apparently this wo'nt work too.
51 is leaked 52 is not leaked so that is page 2 yhea I will wiat for page 54. Unlike sisgamble 2.
Ho heck I can't wait, this way it will be done. Wait there is only page 51 and not 52...

Is not leaked, the first 3 pages will be public.

(1 edit)

Yhea I realised that, I felt incredibly stupid when I jsut remember.
EEErrmm talking about the public oen I saw reddox coorise teh firts pages. What about the rest if you keep for yoruserlf? You know reddox don't like transating or colorising comic for nothing.

(2 edits)

I told Reddox it depends if I make this part of the story fully public. The first page got colored which is fine. I don't mind if reddox decides to color the public pages.

You know that there was an artist that was making comics and aksing r ddox to translate in polish. And erm well. The artist went "I quit delete all my work." And he stop midway the publication of his last comic. Except redox had acess to all the finish pages that he had already tranaslated. he leaked them in polish.

(2 edits)

Ho O.K, tank a lot. How many pages is there yet? 1.
I will pay when teh 4th page is out. I mean fully finished. You are at page 63 in lineart.
Ho wait not it  for sis gamble 2.... I could pay for that too you know.

Most people who couldn't pay on SS went to pirate site but those are bit slow o catch up with your work in particular. so I assume some of them will prefer thsi alternative.
